’s Newsletter - The Authority on German, Swiss and Austrian Startups and Venture Capital
Fintech Review 2021 – Germany, Austria And Switzerland (GSA)

Fintech Review 2021 – Germany, Austria And Switzerland (GSA)

“For banks the pandemic meant that they had to digest 10 years of digitalization in only two years.” Paolo Sironi - Thought Leader and AuthorHello and welcome everyone to our 2021 Fintech Review for the German Speaking Area - Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, also called GSA. This is an annual tradition started in 2014, first in German, now in English. You can find the older reviews in the blog post below: 

“Crypto is coming, no question. The metaverse is coming and exciting for me is the question how we will pay in the metaverse” Oliver Oster - CMO and Founder OptioPay 

“What struck me the most in 2020 is Crypto. It is sooo much more popular today than one or two years ago” Janis Dust - CMO and Co-Founder EpapSubscribe Here 

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“As people are going from in-person to remote a lot of [banking] processes have to be updated. It is basically a huge accelerator for the whole banking industry.” Frank Schwab - Co-Founder Fintech ForumOur Sponsor Startupraven 

The best way to identify investors and cooperation partners for early-stage startups. Sign up for early access here:

“[Venture] Capital becomes more concentrated. It will get harder for the new kids on the block” Frank Schwab - Co-Founder Fintech Forum 

Our Guests 

Today I welcome our guests:

“10 years ago adding the valuation and market capitalization of the global top 500 banks and fintech unicorns plus the payment providers: 10 years ago banks represented 97% of that value, today they are down to almost 70%.” Paolo Sironi - Thought Leader and Author 

This time I ask our guests 4 questions on the current state of fintech, their outlook, and drivers for the future.

The questions are:

1) What is the strongest impact of corona on the financial and fintech world, immediately and in the future?

2) What is the most important development you have seen in total in 2021 for fintechs?

3) What do you see in 2022 for the fintech scene in GSA?

4) What field of fintech do you see becoming more important in 2022? Is it already the year of the green fintech?

Wishing you happy holidays from Frankfurt! We will be back on January 13th with an interview. Enjoy your time with family and friends and stay safe!

“The most obvious impact [of corona] for me...

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Germany has a rich history when it comes to entrepreneurship. From Konrad Zuse, Carl Benz, and Ferdinand Porsche to Werner von Siemens, there is no shortage of success stories that can be told about German-based companies looking for global expansion opportunities abroad or investors seeking out fresh investment prospects at home/abroad. We continue this with keeping you up to date with the latest on the German-speaking startup scene in Germany (Europe’s largest economy), Switzerland, and Austria, collectively known as the GSA or DACH region. We are an English-only startup podcast with exclusive startup content, including regular news, and interviews. We are the international voice of the German-speaking startup scene.
We focus on interviews with startups mostly around their Series B funding or even scale-ups from GSA. Once a month, we also bring you an exclusive startup news wrap-up.
We are socred in the global Top 60 Science, Top 75 Tech, Top 275 Business Podcast (Chartable), Global Top 0.5% Podcast (Listen Notes), and global Top 20 Entrepreneurship Podcast on Apple Podcast across all countries (Podder).™ - All rights reserved